Saturday, November 12, 2011

love, conflict, and coffee

So this book I just read (Rose Daughter by Robin's a re-telling of Beauty and the Beast) has this passage that talks about real love and describes it as:

"love that makes you and keeps you whole, love that gets you through the worst your life'll give you and that pours out of you when you're given the best instead."

I thought it was worth remembering.


I'm tired and have a strange mix of "Espresso Truffle" and Shiner Blonde in my system at the moment. That combined with my emotional climate right now and the fact that apparently people like to read what I have to say is creating a very bloggy mood.

Today was a bit of a weird day. Some conflict at work that resulted in me being involved in giving another employee a verbal warning...never fun. Management and the road to it is not always pleasant

On a lighter note, I discovered that this fancy "Espresso Truffle" drink that Starbucks are toting this year is simply a fancy cafe mocha. When I had it explained to me by the baristas at SBux they told me it was hot chocolate and espresso. I said "but that's a mocha" and they both quickly jumped to tell me it wasn't. They said it is a blend of their signature hot chocolate, which has four types of chocolate, and blah blah blah...mixed with espresso and steamed milk.
Ladies...chocolate+espresso+steamed milk=a cafe mocha. I don't care how fancy the chocolate is or what kind of elaborate name you give it, it's still a mocha...albeit a really yummy one...I'll give them that. But anyone coming in to the Noble who asks me for it will be offered a Godiva Hot Cocoa with a shot (or 2) in it. It'll be great...just watch

Okay, I'm pooped and going to bed. Hopefully I'll dream of love and coffee

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